people who i really want to meet

Actually this time punya update i want to post about people yang banyak gila jasa diorang buat for this country, which is Malaysia :

1. A Samad Said

As we all know Abdul samad bin Muhammad Said or as known as A Samad Said, is a sasterawan negara malaysia. the reason why i really want to meet him are, in my opinion he has his own submission towards bahasa melayu. Semua hasil karya dia hebat gila. kalau lah kita baca dia punya novel ke, cerpen ke, sajak ke, sometimes the word that he use tu, kita pun taktahu apa maksudnya. kata je orang melayu. besides, kita cakap pun dalam 'bahasa pasar' je kan. Sekarang ni mostly people think that bahasa melayu ni lame lah, tak cool lah apa lah. Sebenarnya tak salah pun kita nak cakap in malay, like betul2 bahasa melayu. just because english tu is a world language for this century,then semua orang busy nak cakap in english. I didnt say speak in english is wrong. tapi jangan lupa bahasa melayu ni dulu dalam sejarah, pernah jadi 'lingua franca'. tak salah kan kalau sejarah yg baik tu berulang lagi? *out of topic sebenarnya,haha* ok back to A Samad Said, from what i can see, all of his karya semua banyak pengajaran yg kita boleh ambil dari situ, means that bukan hasil kosong jelah. Ada juga hasil dia yg boleh buat kita sedar or insaf about who we are in this world. Then, these are his achievement :

a) Pejuang Sastera (1976)
b) Anugerah Penulis S.E.A (1979)
c) Sasterawan Negara (1985)
d) Sasterawan Nusantara (1999)

According to his achievement, tak rasa ke macam bukan senang nak dapat all the anugerah tu and bukan semua orang dapat. Even about sastera ni pun tak semua orang reti nak appreciate in the right way kan. So yeah, eventhough out of the topic sikit, but who cares. I want to meet him personally or atleast boleh jumpa diaaaaa dekat dekat. maybe i can go if ada exhibition about this stuff ke apa kan. hehe Insyaallah, someday :') Oh, other than that, he is 75 years old i guess, tapi tengoklah, still maintain cool gila okay! hihi Okay, i stop here first, before that, ni ada one of his karya. :

Tetamu Senja

Kita datang ini hanya sebagai tetamu senja
Bila cukup detik kembalilah
Kita kepadaNya
Kita datang ini kosong tangan dada
Bila pulang nanti bawa dosa bawa pahala

Pada tetamu yang datang dan
Kenal jalan pulang
Bawalah bakti mesra kepada
Tuhan kepada Insan
Pada tetamu yang datang
Dan lupa jalan pulang
Usahlah derhaka pula
Pada Tuhan kepada insan

Bila kita lihat manusia lupa tempat
Atau segera sesat puja darjat
Puja pangkat
Segera kita insaf kita ini punya kiblat
Segera kita ingat kita ini punya tekad

Bila kita lihat manusia terbiar larat
Hingga mesti merempat ke laut biru
Ke kuning darat
Harus kita lekas sedar penuh pada tugas
Harus kita tegas sembah
Seluruh rasa belas

Kita datang ini satu roh satu jasad
Bila pulang nanti bawa bakti padat berkat

p/s : ada lagi people that i want to meet, sambung dekat next post later lah. currently out of time! byeee. xx


Sorry sebab tadi serious macam bangang. idk what happen to me. srsly. :( mix feelings oh actually. and cant believe that i actually acting weird macamtu tadi to you. youre not doing any mistake pun. it just me. apa masalah ntah. i felt guilty towards you tapi mcm tak boleh nak cakap. i hate this. Im sorry, BIG SORRY :'( iloveyou tau.

*maybe sebab cam lama tak nangis kot. :/ what a life.

p/s : will you stay forever?

man who I adore

I am very proud to be the only one my father's daughter. Okay, i said this bukan dari segi family punya hal. Of course lah kita bangga dengan our dad kan. Okay back about this post. I am proud and respect him dari segi dia punya artwork. He's a lecturer dekat one of the university in malaysia ni. Fine arts lecturer. So obviously he's doing painting and all that stuff. My father was one of the artist that invited to exhibit he's artwork dekat vienna last May. He went for one month. Then, ada one of his artwork, balai seni lukis negara beli. tak percaya pergilah tengok. hihi Painting2 dia semua mostly buat dekat rumah lah kan, then bila dah siap, nanti mesti cam semangat gila he ask me cantik ke tak painting tu pastu dia explain whats the meaning of each painting he'd done since i showed my interest on it and i appreciated it. Seriously bila dia explain all that rasa macam artist ni semua cool gila and they think out of the box. Sometimes apa yang diorang fikir, tak pernah kita terfikir pun untuk fikir benda tu. haha Oh lepastu ada one day ni i want to go to klcc, then dia cam okaylah dia nak hantar since dia pun nak pergi KL jugak. then he bring me to the gallery petronas dekat klcc tu, dia cam semangat gila nak tunjuk dia punya artwork dekat sana, haha comel gila. :') This is why i adore him. Okay sampai sini jelah kot rasanya nak cerita. nanti kang orang kata nak promote ayah pulak. kan dah susah. haha Oh ni ada dia punya blog : kalau nak tengok, tengoklah. If only you interest in this course. kalau tak, takpayah buang masa. Toodles.

Much Loves, sara :)


Dreams may be figments of our imaginations, as the human mind has the ability to conjure up a myriad of images. They may be nonsensical. Neverthless, they can be entertaining just like a movie. Besides, certain dreams can evoke positive feelings. 'Flying' dreams or the ability to fly in our dreams is an exhilarating and liberating experience. Dreams add variety and spice to an otherwise dull and monotonous life. The benefits of dreams can best be summed up in the Langston hughes' poem, 'dreams' ;

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
-Langston hughes

qualities of a friend

The definition of a friend and friendship varies with each individual. For me, a good friend is someone who understands me, should always forgive my mistakes and never judge me by my actions as sometimes my actions may be rash and inconsiderate.

Most of us experience mood swings due to the high expectations placed upon us.It is during times like life seems to be an endless uphill struggle, that we seek the comforting words of a friend ; a friend who urges you to pick up the pieces and move on. At the same time a friend should be trustworthy and loyal. When friends trust us with secrets, we should never betray their confidence.

True friendship is demanding. It requires loyalty, trust, support, and understanding. However, one should never expect such virtues in a friend unless he is willing to offer these virtues in return. In the other words, one must be a friend to have a friend. And yes, friendship that has stood the test of time should be most revered and happy is the man who is blessed with such a friend -unknown.

*I think my opinion about friends is the same. So yeah.


Good people are gone. and im currently missing Madhihah Mazni & Siti Fatimah quite terribly :'(

fikir sendiri

Bila time macam ni : semua orang hilang pegi mana ntah, busy dgn life masing masing, promise pun macam bukan promise je and blablabla,,

#I miss the memories that i know it'll never came back again.
and unfortunately you have to deal with it. what a life!


can anyone please accompany me to go shopping? lol

bosan. sorry

sarah kau mengada gila. senyap ah kbye. hahahaha

just me

I need to go somewhere. Far far away. Searching something different that no one could ever get.


I just love being with you. Cant deny that! and hey i love you ;)

the girls

hi aini, adlin,shera, amanna, farahin :
sorry macam tiba tiba kan. saja nak bagitahu, i miss you! :'(